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Two interesting bits of energy news

Sunday, May 31st, 2009

First, the price of oil is going up. It’s over $66 a barrel and show signs of continuing to go up.
Ace thinks that our Dear Leader is going to loose some of his popularity as gas prices climb over $3 a galleon and shoot toward $4 a galleon.
Quite possibly, but then a lot of his supporters, like our Dear Leader, want gas prices over $4 a galleon. They want to kill the SUV and the suburban mom’s best buddy, the minivan. They want solar and wind power generation stations built, but not in their neighborhood.
The GOP should make the most of rising energy costs, and energy costs will rise due to the Cap & Tax scheme going through the democrat controlled congress, by pointing out how our Dear Leader and the democrats are blocking access domestic sources sources like oil, natural gas and coal. They are also blocking the choice of many serious environmentalists, Nuclear Power.
Ace may have a point, since unemployment is continuing to rise, and increased inflation is pretty much a sure thing.

The other bit of energy news comes from Planetizen. It seems that domestic underused natural gas capacity could almost completely replace our current coal-generated electrical energy. Natural gas burns much cleaner than coal and can be used to power motor vehicles as well. Coal can be converted to a liquid fuel, but it is generally less clean than using natural gas.

Bottom line, the spike in energy prices doesn’t have to happen, or at least it doesn’t need to be as bad. The spike will occur because Barack Hussein Obama and the democrats in Congress want higher energy prices to drive their political agenda. If the GOP can’t build a message around that, they are political incompetents who deserve to lose. The only problem with that that American people will pay the price of the democrat’s political agenda with a longer and deeper recession and a declining dollar as inflation climbs.

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