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Archive for June 21st, 2016

Monday Book Pick: Liberty 1784

Tuesday, June 21st, 2016

Liberty 1784 by Robert Conroy
Another excellent alternate history from the late Robert Conroy. In this one, history changed when the British Navy defeated the French convoy sent to support the American in their bid for independence. The British army is reinforced at Yorktown, and Washington’s army is defeated. Things don’t go well for the defeated Americans: George Washington is taken to London, tried for treason, and beheaded at the Tower of London (which how the book starts); many members of Congress, including John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, are captured and sentenced to hard labor as slaves in Caribbean.  Members of the American army are branded, and are ill treated by the Tories and the British Troops still in the colonies.  Many surviving patriots went west, to towns like Liberty.  These included people still wanted by the British, such as John Hancock and Ben Franklin.   In order to root out the last bits of rebellion, the British gather a large force to enter the wilderness and destroy Liberty.

Liberty is a hard thing to destroy it turns out.

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