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Archive for November 18th, 2009

Facts don’t matter to the haters

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009

Ask most people on the right on why they don’t like our Dear Leader and most will be able to articulate specific policy issues they disagree with. OK, often they sum it up with “He’s a Socialist,” but when pressed, they can cite actual policies and give details.

Ask a typical hater of Gov. Sarah Palin why they don’t like her, and most can, at best, deliver quotes made by Tina Fey, and try to attribute them to Gov. Palin. If you press them for details, they tend to get angry and often blame you for attempting to insert reality into their irrational hatred that makes them feel all warm and fuzzy.

Proud ignorance is sadly a common feature of Obama supporters.

It’s a question of competence

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009

The Obama White House has failed multiple instances of basic core competence.

When the AP pointed out that their “jobs created or saved” metric was utter fiction, a White House Spokesman accused them of “calculator abuse.”

Then there was the embarrassing list of items that were being funded by the Porkulus program, which included:

– $430,000 to repair a bridge in Iowa County, Wis., that carries 10 or fewer cars per day.
– $800,000 for the John Murtha Airport in Johnstown, Pa., serving about 20 passengers per day, to build a backup runway.
– $219,000 for Syracuse University to study the sex lives of freshmen women.
– $2.5 million in stimulus checks sent to the deceased.

Now, according the the website, built at the cost of millions of tax payers dollars, $6.4 billion of that democrat porkulus bill has been spent in congressional districts that don’t exist.

In the non-existent 14th congressional district alone, the Obama administration claims to have spent $617,848 in order to “create or save” five jobs. That is $123,569.60 per job, in a part of America that doesn’t even exist.

You can bet that this buck won’t stop at our Dear Leader’s desk. Nope, he’s going to pass this steaming pile of incompetence on to his good buddy, Joey Biden. Yup, the man a heartbeat away from the Oval Office was in charge of implementing the Porkulus program, and he has managed to screw that pooch royally.